Friday, September 7, 2012

God's Bow

A hearty "Thank you!" to those of you who prayed for us during Isaac. God kept not only our family but also those in our church family safe and sound. Despite the fact that there was destruction and flooding all around us, God put a hedge of protection about us.

After the storm, it is easy to recognize God's protection. During the storm, as the winds blew wildly, and the rain fell endlessly, I wondered, if we were not going to be swept away by the rising water. It seemed every hour the water pooled closer and closer to our home. Finally, on Wednesday night, after hours of keeping vigil on the water levels, my husband and I decided that we were going to pray and head to bed. At that point, there were no further preparations to be made. We simply had to wait.

Is that not the hardest parts of storms? The waiting. Waiting on God to move. That is exactly where we found ourselves. Waiting on God to move a tremendous storm. It was a storm that seemed  to stall over us endlessly. I confess, I feel that way about other storms in my life. How often I get impatient, all too eager to move past the circumstances I find myself in at the time. So quickly I lose sight of the Bow God gave us. His promise, His covenant, that He would never again, completely flood the Earth as found in Genesis 9. Or His promise found in Hebrews 13:5b~"I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." 

Despite the storms, or trials, that rage at times in our lives, we have the promise. The promise that we are not alone! We are not forsaken! In the hours leading up to Isaac's arrival, many of us were amazed to see beautiful rainbows, as we were hurrying up with our storm preparations. I found them to be so comforting. God is good, even when the storm clouds gather!  God is good even when the water rises! God is good!

Thank you Pam, and my dear Hubby for capturing the covenant markers in the sky hours before Isaac arrived. And thank you to those who prayed us through the storm. God is good!