Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Mom, My Friend

Words cannot adequately express how much my Mother means to me. She has been an amazing Mom and I count myself privileged to be her daughter. Each day as we talk I am reminded of just how blessed I am. She offers encouragement, counsel, and most of all love. God made my Mom to be a Mom. It is in her very nature to mother.

In a feeble attempt to pay homage to my mother, I want to take a few moments to share some of my favorite things that my Mom does for me. This list will not be exhaustive but merely a sampling of what makes my Mom one in a million!

  • She taught me. Some of my earliest memories are of my Mom teaching me. She taught me the academic must knows and household how-tos. She even threw in a few practical just becauses; however, the most important things she taught me came from God's Word. Even today, most of my pleas for help are met with a ready verse and encouragement from the Bible.
  • She modeled for me. When I wonder what the Proverbs 31 woman actually looked like, I simply need to look to my Mom. She taught me what it means to be so many of the traits found in the Proverbs 31 woman simply by how she lived her life. As commanded in Titus, she has taught me by her example how to love my husband and love my children, to be sober, discreet, chaste, good, a keeper at home, and obedient. 
  • She loved me. That almost seems anti-climatic that a Mom would love her children; however, it truly is a gift. She loved me at my best and at my worst. She loved me when I needed it most and somehow always knew when that time was. Now, she loves me and that love spills out to her love for my husband and boys. She is an amazing mother-in-law if I do say so myself. :) She is a Grammy extraordinaire. A natural out pouring of her love for me is that she fiercely loves those  near and dear to me (even my friends).
I love you Mom! You're the best!

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